Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I was out in the yard sanding some of the paint chips off of Ray's rocking chair when I realized that I finally had a moment to lie back and LOOK UP. -So naturally I grabbed my camera first, but the important thing to note is that it's Wednesday, and I didn't work today or yesterday. Of course I didn't make any money, either. I need the rest, and it's good to have my schedule slow down. In fact, it turns out that I may be able to switch from cleaning to photography sooner that I had thought. It remains to be seen, though. I'm hopeful, and awaiting some information.

It's already beginning to look like fall around here.


jill said...

your photos are just so beautiful! how long have you been taking pix?

EatPlayLove said...

oh I can't wait for some autumn ADK photos. That's the one place I long to be every late September.

Paula said...

Well, Jill -thank you very much! I have not been taking pictures too very long. It actually started after Rayona was born. She is my favorite subject, of course, but I also photographed a friend's wedding last year, and realized that I really liked it:

-And I will most certainly be posting more photos of the glory that is Upstate New York in the fall...