
Who knew it took so much artificial light to make things look natural? Also, I now have a child who is old enough to ride a little bike while eating a sandwich AND pretending to be a lion (see first photo bottom corner for sandwhich). She is an infant no longer. I like babies and all, but this is so nice. I mean, she's PRETENDING. That's so amazing, and she talks A LOT. Every week she has new words, and some of them she just picks out of casual conversation.
By the way, that cute little calico shirt came from Lulu & Bea and it's become a favorite of mine. I am trying to decide for myself if it's worth finally offering up some knitted kids items for sale. People have been telling me for years when they see Rayona's sweaters that I should do this, but I am not a fast knitter. I feel like the amount of time that goes into these items is more than what can be recovered financially. We'll see -I am faster than I used to be. I also may be teaching a beginner's knitting class at a coffee shop in town this fall. I need to diversify my income a bit. My body is telling me that I need to rest from cleaning, and I have not been feeling well at all lately. I have been very tired, and somewhat depressed on and off. I'm not sure what's going on, but it's really interfering with business as usual.
Anyway, I have changed my comments settings to allow anyone without a Blogger account to leave comments. I have heard that that was an issue for some.
I make jewelry for special gifts. I often have the same thought, how do you put a price on the time spent. I am a sloth-knitter I could never make a profit.
I think you should give it a shot, you may be surprised.
Oh, well maybe I will!
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