Thursday, December 18, 2008

Waldorf Doll For Ray -Love Mommy:

This doll was a real labor of love. I now completely understand why they cost so much ready-made. Not only are the materials expensive, but the process requires a lot of muscle. That said, I LOVED making this for her. I think she turned out to be very cute:

One thing I'll say about being a beginner at this whole Waldorf Doll thing is that there are a few things you probably can only know from experience. For example: how to make a neck that doesn't wobble. I didn't worry about it too much until I started to make her wig. I chose worsted weight wool/mohair yarn, because I had some already, and it was pretty, but HEAVY. So then the head wobbled a little more. I reinforced the neck with a band of knit fabric left over from the body, then another. It wasn't terrible, but I still didn't feel confident that in a year it would hold up. I then decided to take the plunge and re-do the neck. Oh, I forgot to mention that I had to make her head twice, but that's another story. Anyway, anyone who makes these dolls can probably attest to how involved a process it is to remove a head and rebuild a neck once the doll is finished. It was a task, but well worth it, as she now is solid as a rock. I think that this is my favorite project so far, and apart from a few snags I can say that I may have a knack for this. In fact, I am considering putting one up for sale in the shop soon. I wonder if anyone will buy it...we shall see. I could sure use a cheaper source for supplies if anyone knows of one.


Bertha said...

I think it's incredible!! Wow. I can only imagine the amount of work in that.

Anna said...

I saw her on flickr and had to check out your blog. She is amazing and I can't believe this was your first doll... you did a GREAT job!

Paula said...

Bertha: Thanks -yes, they are a lot of work, but I imagine it gets easier with practice.

Anna: Thank you! I checked out your blog as well. Your girls are so beautiful. What a lucky mama.

Jan said...

You've done a good job. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

let me know when this doll goes to etsy. she's just wonderful

Paula said...

Jan: Thank you!

Susan: This particular doll was for my daughter for Christmas, but there will hopefully be two different ones going up on Etsy in early February. Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! If I ever make one I'm sure my first attempt will not come out that polished!

Katie said...

I love the head scarf, she looks beautifully old fashioned.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Justbecauseitmakesmesmile said...

I just had to comment on how wonderful that doll is! You can really see her personality. Stunning. Especially for a first time doll.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful doll and please ignore the backhanded compliment from knuckleheaded anonymous. In fact I'd delete that if I were you.