Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's getting harder to photograph this thing:

25 weeks, and all is well. I am beginning to slow down a bit physically, and therefore my income generating abilities are not so good.

This last week my body sent me some very definite messages about taking things a little easier that I am unable to ignore. I will be doing less house keeping, and less daycare for others. This, of course, presents a financial situation that we knew was coming sooner or later. The solution we have come up with is to rent our entire property, and try to come up with a loan for a very small fixer-upper in town that will give us a really nice (small) mortgage payment. Now the challenge is to get a renter quickly and convince the bank that this whole property is income, and not debt. We think this will be ok.

We feel good about some decisions that were made this week, and Ray and Daddy celebrated with dancing and apparently a beer.

Yay. This is what they were listening to:


Peace Creek Dolls said...

Thanks for the great tune. You are looking amazing, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers regarding financing and baby growing :)...

Paula said...

Thank you so much!

Darling Petunia said...

What a beautiful belly!